Bradford's Sixth Birthday- Cowboy & Indian Party

For Bradford's sixth birthday, we celebrated with a Cowboy & Indian party. We sent out invitations, and invited family and friends to come dressed up for the theme. We had a great turn out, and everyone had a wonderful time. Here are some pictures of this event.
         We had the birthday party at Grandpa Bruces' and Grandma Sally's cabin. Grandpa Bruce gave all the cowboys and indians wagon rides up the hill to their house. The kids loved this. And Grandpa Bruce dressed up as an indian chief which really played out well for our theme. He made a great indian chief.

Bradford is on the warpath and ready to start his party!

We started the party off, by having the kids faces painted, and decorating leather indian headbands.
Up above, Keagan decorates his headband.

We had Mrs.Denita (who is part indian herself) help us with the crafts. She donated all the bands and paint. And helped us with several other ideas
We also had these other helpers as well. They had a great time.
And so did the kids.... look at all these fabulous headbands!

Next we had the kids line up for pony rides.
They were so excited!

Grandma Sally gave the kids the pony rides on her pony, Bambam.

While the chiefs helped out.

And on their rides they had to watch out for wild indians........

and dangerous cowboys.
Look at this cute cowboy!

And this one.

This cowboy is ready to ride!

This one is so little he is going to need a hand. Good thing mommy helps out!

They all seem to enjoy the rides.

Chief Brad then takes all the willing cowboys and indians to practice some archery. They then play cowboys and indians.

They seem to be peaceful indians right now. Here they are all having a pow-wow in the tent that Chief Brad built for them.

Playing the drum.....

Shooting the wild indians....

Making dinner......
While the men hunt for their food.

Look at this cute indian!

These cowboys look pretty serious.
Looks like trouble!
Look out they are going to have a shoot-out!

Chief Brad with Kyrah & Weston.

Squaw, Kaylina with Kyrah

Bambam is back in his stall and time to move on with the party.

Time to hit the pinata!

The kids have great time hitting the horse pinata that Keith and Yeroniah made.

Bradford & Ethan

Chief Brad calls all the cowboys and indians over for a party!

Bradford's cowboy & indian cake.

Happy sixth birthday Bradford!

Bradford blowing out his candles.

Some of the many people that came!

The Marklys

Potluck dinner!

My dad.

Opening up gifts....

Look at this tired out indian. He has had one very exciting day! Thanks for everyone who had a part in making Bradford's birthday party extra special!



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